Wednesday, November 14, 2012

And then he said: "let there be hot water!"

If you remember, the original water heater for the camper apparently crapped out and the previous owners bought a new one.  Turns out the bought the wrong kind and it wouldn't fit undewr the bed (where the water heater was supposed to go).  So thier genious fix?

YUP!  Strap it to the bumper!

Our answer? HELL NO!

Fixing this perplexed me for quite some time and then I had an idea once Brittnie ripped out the air heater.  She concured, and we have been waiting ever since.

The idea.  Move the water heater inside, under the fridge.  That way it doesn't look like a white trash fix to a white trash trailer.

Behold the propsed spot!
It's got the room and the piping near by.

After layers of PVC glue on my hands, a cut on my finger, three trips to homedepot and a bit of a high from fumes...we have a water heater.

The only concern I have is that the water heater is between the kitchen sink and the water inlet and behind the water inlet, bathroom sink and shower.  I think it'll work though. 

Although I must admit (and I finally did to the wife after I did it) that was my first time doing plumbing lines.  We'll see if I'm not a huge retard and we get hot water out of this thing!

I did check it before I took it off the bumper.  The water was hot and fairly quick.

Brittnie also spent 2 hours with CLR, a toothbrush and steel wool cleaning the fittings and inside.  There was about a cup of sand, lime and calcium built up.  Glad that shit's outta there!

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